Replicate Share Data Across Syndicate
We need to replicate PoW shares from all miners at all other MSPs. This provides all MSPs with a consistent view of the shares which in-turn enables all MSPs to compute the exact same reward payouts for miners. Replicated data also helps miners and other interested parties to verify the functioning of the mining pool.
The following data is broadcast by an MSP to all other MSPs
Block templates generated by the MSP - this enables other MSPs to validate any future shares and also to assign attribute shares to an MSP.
messages sent by MSPs to their miners. -
PoW shares submitted by miners using the
stratum message.
To provide the data replication, we run a reliable BFT broadcast algorithm proposed by Cachin et. al - Asynchronous Verifiable Information Dispersal. The protocol replicates data across point to point nodes with low communication complexity requirements while tolerating byzantine failures.
At this point, any nodes that connect to the network can receive the replicated data. However, an MSP MUST replicate all data with other MSPs that are part of the syndicate member, replication to the other nodes is optional. If an MSP fails to participate in the BFT reliable broadcast, the MSP’s shares won’t be included in the pool’s reward calculation. The Syndicate will exclude the MSP from the next round of DKG. More on this later.
Given all the PoW shares are replicated across the syndicate, it is important the each share can be identified as mined by a miner for a certain MSP. By supporting verifiable ownership of shares, we can replicate the data across the syndicate and each MSP can then verify that who mined the share and for which MSP.
Verifiable Share Ownership
As described above mining data needs to be replicated across the
syndicate. mining.submit
and mining.notify
messages are broadcast
to all MSPs in the syndicate. We therefore need to assign ownership to
these messages such that the ownership can later be validated. We
depend on the mining.notify.jobID
and the
fields to assign this ownership. We also
use the MSP’s well known public key that is used to determine the
MSP’s node id. This is similar to the approach taken in LN to identify
The jobID
is constructed as a hash of the concatenation of 1) miner
, 2) the sequence_no
used by MSP for the miner and finally
3) the MSP public key. The jobID therefore can be proven to be an MSP
job and can now be broadcast to the syndicate with verifiable
ownership. To prove the ownership of mining.submit
messages the MSP
provides the username
, sequence_no
with each broadcast. The
receiver knows the MSP public key and therefore can validate the
ownership of mining.submit
The miner username should be unique across the network and for the same, we recommend using a random number seeded with current time to be the miner’s username. The username is generated once by the Radpool miner dashboard for the miner to use across registrations to MSPs.
Backup MSPs
We note in the next section on Denial of Service Attacks that miners should configure their systems to submit shares to backup MSPs. Miners can push their configuration to their ASICs machines or can use a proxy - if they are using one. The proxy is not a requirement to participate in Radpool.
When the primary MSP is unavailable, the miner can switch to the next MSP in their list because they have registered with two additional MSPs acting as a backup. These MSPs are configured in their setup to interact with the alternative MSP.
The ownership verfication still allows Radpool oracle to compute the hashrate posted by a miner. As shown earlier, each share broadcast to the syndicate has enough information to verify the share is generated by a miner.
Why Will Backup MSPs Step Up?
The back up MSPs step up for an unavailable MSP as their incentive is to make sure the Radpool hashrate doesn’t go down. Backup MSPs don’t need to expend too much compute here. They are building block templates and sending stratum work messages to other miners. They are also validating all the shares being broadcast to the Radpool syndicate, so there is no additional work to step up and act as a backup for an MSP temporarily unavailable or trying to attack Radpool.